ASAM – frequently asked questions


This page answers some of the frequently asked questions about ASAM: an Excel application to facilitate economic contribution analysis.

Why do the work in Excel?
Most of the work can actually be done in IMPLAN. If you need, or want, more transparency and flexibility, Excel has pivot capabilities where all formulas are visible and all (matrix) calculations can be traced back from sheet to sheet.
My Household aggregation does not seem to work …
  1. The aggregation and/or sorting only takes place in the OutputTable (and thus the graphs); the dataSheet continuous to show all data sorted by NAICS code and unaggregated. That was a deliberate (design) choice, largely to maintain visibility and traceability of where the data come from. But I can imagine that this is not immediately obvious when you check for aggregation.
  2. Aggregation only takes place if it can find fields that contain the word household. If those fields are renamed to something like HH, than it will not work. The only workaround for that would be to add that as identified fields in the generation of the SAM (like it already does for end of endogenous, value added lines etc.)”

IMPLAN related

How do I create my IxI data in IMPLAN…”
In order for the program to import data from IMPLAN, you must have created the Social Accounts Multipliers / IxI Sam within IMPLAN.
The program will check if indeed this I x I matrix has been created, and will give you an error message if it could not find the matrix (see next question).
Below are instructions on how to do this, assuming you have a SAM aggregated to your needs.

  • IMPLAN (version 3) has 4 tasks in the window on the left of the screen: [Model], [Analyze], [Explore] and [Customize].
    Go to [Explore]
  • Go to Industry Accounts
  • Go to the IxI Social Account Matrix tab
  • Go to export
  • Choose Industry Detail SAM (CSV only)
  • Select Industry x Industry Detail, Row Detail
  • A blue window will ask for the name of the file and its location where you will write the SAM information if you want to consult it later ( see: manual transfer or consultation of IMPLAN data). Leave the extension of the file as *.CSV, you can save that in the IMPLAN appliance or anywhere else.
IMPLAN data import gives me the message “I could not find any IxI data in your file; make sure to run the IxI matrix in IMPLAN…”
In order for the program to import data from IMPLAN, you must have created the Social Accounts Multipliers / IxI Sam within IMPLAN. The program will check if indeed this I x I matrix has been created, and will give you an error message if it could not find the matrix.
Follow the instructions from IMPLAN, a brief version of which is summarized under the previous question “How do I create my IxI data in IMPLAN…”
Can I manually find and transfer both IxI matrix and employment data from IMPLAN version 3?
This is a bit more advanced, and usually not necessary. If you do want to do this, however, you still need to first create the IxI Social Account in IMPLAN and then exported the results to a CSV file.
Then follow the following steps:

  • Open Excel (2007 or later)
  • Read the file *.CSV
  • Place the cursor on cell A1
  • Go to the insert tab
  • Click on “pivot table” (this should auto-select all data from the *.CSV file except the first line.
  • Excel brings up the pivot table window
    • Leave the default options and click OK. This will create a new worksheet in the spreadsheet. On the right hand side it is the pivot table set up information.
    • On the top right of the pivot table check on “Institution Receipts.” On the bottom right hand side named “∑ values” you will drag “sum of institution receipts” (in orange) to the box named “Row Labels.” Once it is in the “Row labels” box, click on the down arrow and click on “field settings”. On the field settings window, in the “Subtotals and Filters” tab, click “none”, then go to the “Layout & print” tab and click “Show item labels in tabular form”, click OK. This will print the row numerical labels in column A.
    • Check “Receipts Description” in the “Pivot Table Field List” and it will add one row in the “Row Labels” box.
    • Check “Institution Payments” in the “Pivot Table Field List”. On the bottom right hand side named “∑ values” you will drag “Sum of institution payments” (in orange) to the box named “Column Labels.” Once it is in the “Column labels” box, click on the down arrow and click on “field settings”. On the field settings window, in the “Subtotals and Filters” tab, click “none”, then go to the “Layout & print” tab and click “Show item labels in tabular form”, click OK.
    • Check “Payments Description” in the “Pivot Table Field List” and it will add another line on the “Row Labels” box (“Payments Description”). Drag “Payments Description” (in orange) to the box named “Column Labels”.
    • Check “Value” in the “Pivot Table Field List” and will add a “Sum of value” row in the “∑ values” box.

Note: You will notice that on the left side of the Pivot Table Field List you have a matrix that includes almost all the information necessary to build a SAM. However, we do not need the totals for the rows and columns at this stage. Be aware that Excel has computed the row totals in the last row and the column totals in the most right column—you do not want to copy that last row and last column. Once you have selected the corresponding the last row and last column you need.

  • Put your cursor in cell A5 (Row Labels), then using the scroll bars locate the end of the bottom right hand corner of the table. This is in the previous to the last column and previous to the last row. Once you have identified this cell, then hold the shift key down and click on the identified cell. Copy that part of the matrix (you have excluded the last row with row totals and most right column with the column totals) and paste into a new worksheet.
  • We recommend verification that the matrix is balanced. After the last row you will compute the row totals and to the right of the last column you will compute the column totals. You will subtract the row totals from the column totals for each and every sector or institution. The small differences for a sector or institutions are due to rounding, large differences suggest that the matrix is not balanced. For matrix inversion the sum of all differences must be close to zero.
  • You can fix the labels of the second column as you like in column B, smaller font, names, etc.
  • Copy that column for the relevant sectors and institutions and “Paste Special”, “Values”,
  • “Transpose” to attach the modified labels to the first row. These last two steps can be omitted if you are satisfied with the current names.
  • You can multiply each cell in the matrix by 1000 or 1000,000 to facilitate the reading.
  • Go to IMPLAN version 3.
  • Under “Study Area Explorer”, under “View Industry Detail” copy the “Description” and “Employment” data. Close IMPLAN.
  • Go to Excel and “Paste Special” into another worksheet name (i.e., employment). Then, arrange the sectors in the same order as they appear in the SAM table. IMPLAN summary is sorted differently.
  • Save your excel file with the necessary information you need for manually enter the data to ASAM.

Customizing the charts

Can I customize the sort in my charts?
Go to the output table and sort the desried column. A good example of when this is useful is when you want to emphasize the gross in stead of the base performance.
NOTE: when you (re)generate the chart using the buttons it will revert back to the default sorting. If you want to keep a specific chart configuration, save the chart onto a new worksheet.”
Can I customize my charts?
By all means. The good(and the bad) news is that all graphs are reset to their default when you regenerate them – either by regenerating your SAM or by clicking the buttons.
Can I show all sectors/categories in the charts?
Yes. Put a large number like 99 in the line limit (cell B2 of the chart sheets), and click any of the desired graph buttons. If the line limit exceeds the number of sectors in the outputTable, the program will automatically limit the lines to the maximum available, and also update your line lines to that maximum in cell B2.
I don’t see all my sectors in the legend…
When there are many sectors, the legend box will simply be to small. Click/select the legend and enlarge it. Another option is to select the legend and choose a smaller font size.
I only see every other label on the vertical axis in my bar chart…
Click/select the label section and reduce the font size. Alternatively, make the bar chart (area) longer.